How to Promote Your Real Estate Business

Branding requires mapping a series of steps in the customer journey, which start from the point of consideration from a potential buyer and goes all the way to ensure that once someone purchases the product, he is serviced when there is a problem. This is where customer service as a brand building opportunity comes in. […]

Principles Of Effective Web Design

Branding requires mapping a series of steps in the customer journey, which start from the point of consideration from a potential buyer and goes all the way to ensure that once someone purchases the product, he is serviced when there is a problem. This is where customer service as a brand building opportunity comes in. […]

20 Great Web Design Resources

Branding requires mapping a series of steps in the customer journey, which start from the point of consideration from a potential buyer and goes all the way to ensure that once someone purchases the product, he is serviced when there is a problem. This is where customer service as a brand building opportunity comes in. […]

Digital experts get multiple job offers

Branding requires mapping a series of steps in the customer journey, which start from the point of consideration from a potential buyer and goes all the way to ensure that once someone purchases the product, he is serviced when there is a problem. This is where customer service as a brand building opportunity comes in. […]

Building brands through customer service

Branding requires mapping a series of steps in the customer journey, which start from the point of consideration from a potential buyer and goes all the way to ensure that once someone purchases the product, he is serviced when there is a problem. This is where customer service as a brand building opportunity comes in. […]

How we can capture the market sales

Branding requires mapping a series of steps in the customer journey, which start from the point of consideration from a potential buyer and goes all the way to ensure that once someone purchases the product, he is serviced when there is a problem. This is where customer service as a brand building opportunity comes in. […]

How Developers Are Amplifying Their Portfolios

Branding requires mapping a series of steps in the customer journey, which start from the point of consideration from a potential buyer and goes all the way to ensure that once someone purchases the product, he is serviced when there is a problem. This is where customer service as a brand building opportunity comes in. […]

Tips Efektif untuk sukses melakukan Follow Up Sales Call ke calon Pelanggan Anda

Dalam salah satu survey di Amerika mengenai behaviour atau kebiasaan seorang salesman dalaam menelepon dan atau meng follow Up Customer, ditemukan nenerapa fakta yang cukup menarik. yaitu ditemukan fakta bahwa ternyata 8 dari 10 Salesman, maksimal melakukan Follow up via telp ke Calon Pelanggan mereka hanya paling banyak 2 kali. Menarik Bukan ?? Dalam banyak […]

Membangun Team Sales Anda dengan “PRD Factors”

Dari banyak Klien yang saya temui, saya seringkali mendapatkan pertanyaan-pertanyaan sebagai berikut : “Pak, saya bingung lho Pak.., Team saya itu sudah saya kasih Insentif yang sangat menantang, tapi tetep pada gak bisa meningkatkan penjualannya”, atau ada juga pertanyaan,” Perasaaan saya sudah Push mereka gila-gilaan, tapi tetap saja Salesman bukan pada takut malah masih seenaknya […]

Self Coaching Technic for Sales Leader

Di Dalam dunia Sales, berdasarkan pengalaman dan hasil analisa bertemu beberapa Klien Sales Coaching maupun Sales Training. sering kali saya sampaikan bahwa Seorang Sales Leader ternyata memegang peranan sangat penting terhadap keberhasilan Sebuah organisasi Sales. Sales Leader disini bisa saja mulai dari seorang Sales Manager, Sales Supervisor, GM Sales dan seterusnya. jika ada sebuah survey […]